Support with Admissions procedures

In addition to the recruitment of students, Linx Education we offer to process the Admission for each student.  All our clients have unique requirements when it comes to student quantity, quality, and profile. At Linx Education, we agree with each institution their unique requirements and ensure that these are met before presenting the student to the school for consideration. Our experienced bi-lingual staff can handle all aspects of the admissions process providing a hassle-free registration from recruitment to admission.

Care from application to graduation

At Linx Education, we ensure that the process of students studying in the UK is a partnership with the family, agents, and schools.  Linx offer the support for all the stakeholders ensuring suitable and appropriate placements are organised for each student as an individual.  Linx works closely with the schools to understand the features that make it unique and develop an understanding of their recruitment needs in the markets.  This removes much of the confusion that can be associated with many international applications.  By working closely with the agents and their staff we are able to match applicants to schools and deliver a very high success rate for placing students.  Linx are not agents but we do work with the agents and families at a very early stage in the process.

We take the responsibility of caring for our students and families seriously.  We support our clients through their entire time away from home.  We support them from the moment they approach us through the Agents and express their interest in studying in the UK right through until they return home or move on to be mature independent students and no longer require support.  We offer professional career guidance and pastoral support through our partner companies and are always there to provide for any unforeseen circumstances.

 Other Programmes

Linx is also a provider of both University Foundation and China-based UK university courses as well as providing International Cultural and Language Programmes for groups looking to travel to the UK.

Guardianship and Pastoral Care

Our partner company Compass Education ( provides high-quality Educational Guardianship Services to students studying in the UK.