Support with Admissions procedures

In addition to the recruitment of students, Linx Education we offer to process the Admission for each student.  All our clients have unique requirements when it comes to student quantity, quality, and profile. At Linx Education, we agree with each institution their unique requirements and ensure that these are met before presenting the student to the school for consideration. Our experienced bi-lingual staff can handle all aspects of the admissions process providing a hassle-free registration from recruitment to admission.

Care from application to graduation

At Linx Education, we ensure that the process of students studying in the UK is a partnership with the family, agents, and schools.  Linx offer the support for all the stakeholders ensuring suitable and appropriate placements are organised for each student as an individual.  Linx works closely with the schools to understand the features that make it unique and develop an understanding of their recruitment needs in the markets.  This removes much of the confusion that can be associated with many international applications.  By working closely with the agents and their staff we are able to match applicants to schools and deliver a very high success rate for placing students.  Linx are not agents but we do work with the agents and families at a very early stage in the process.

We take the responsibility of caring for our students and families seriously.  We support our clients through their entire time away from home.  We support them from the moment they approach us through the Agents and express their interest in studying in the UK right through until they return home or move on to be mature independent students and no longer require support.  We offer professional career guidance and pastoral support through our partner companies and are always there to provide for any unforeseen circumstances.

 Other Programmes

Linx is also a provider of both University Foundation and China-based UK university courses as well as providing International Cultural and Language Programmes for groups looking to travel to the UK.

Guardianship and Pastoral Care

Our partner company Compass Education ( provides high-quality Educational Guardianship Services to students studying in the UK.


Linx Education Services work with UK education providers developing a first class International Student Placement service for the UK Boarding School and University sectors. We provide support for:

  • Recruitment
  • Marketing
  • Admissions
  • Educational Guidance
  • Guardianship Services through our partner company Compass Education


In 2014 I met with the Director of Linx Education to discuss the management of recruitment of Chinese students.  I have been so impressed by the results of that meeting.  Linx have provided the highest calibre of students at the right academic level each year.  Equally important, they have provided the agreed quantityeach year.  They provide a hassle free support and our school has benefitted hugely from this relationship.

Principal, Co-ed school, North London UK

Sending our daughter to school in London was a big decision for us. The staff at Linx have been amazing. From the moment we met them in their office right through now to our daughters time at school we have been made to feel very secure. We also use the services of their partner Guardianship company (Compass Guardianship) and have been very happy with them also. I recommend them to any family thinking of sending your child to study in UK. We were put in touch with a Chinese family already with a child in London and I now do the same for new families.

Parent, year 10 girl, Beijing


Since 1998 Linx Education Services have been working with UK education providers developing a first class consultancy service for the UK Boarding School and University sectors. We provide support for:

  • Recruitment
  • Marketing
  • Admissions
  • Educational Guidance

Linx takes the stress out of international student recruitment in China, the world's largest education market.

We work closely with quality agents representing our carefully chosen and balanced portfolio of schools. With an in-depth understanding of our schools, and a permanent presence in the market place for our clients we assist in matching students to institutions. We focus on providing students of the correct

  • Quantity
  • Quality
  • Profile

to ensure that the planned recruitment targets are met in the correct way. We appreciate that whilst numbers are important in targets, it is in the interest of everyone to ensure that students of the correct profile are placed in the correct environment and on the right course. We recognise how important this approach is in the UK school market with such a diverse range of destinations to choose from. We feel that we offer a balanced range of choices for families seeking the correct place for their child.


Linx Education are educational advisory consultants.  Working closely with the major Education Agencies throughout China, we recommend suitable schools, colleges, and universities to prospective students.  By keeping up to date with our recommended institutions current educational developments and strategic targets we provide the agents with a reliable and professional service ensuring an effective and hassle free outcome for all the stakeholders.  Our UK based Director will be happy to contact you to discuss your specific requirements.


Our recommended institutions have the benefit of promotion in the marketplace with full marketing support from Linx staff. We provide on-going contact with Agents, ensuring that our recommended schools are represented effectively.  We can provide full support in the production of Chinese literature & materials and attendance at Education Exhibitions. Please contact us to discuss this bespoke service further.


In addition to recruitment, Linx Education can process the Admissions for each student in our offices in China before passing them on to your school. We recognise that all of our clients have unique requirements when it comes to student quantity, quality, and profile.  We arrange interviews, tests (including UKiset) to satisfy all the requirements of each institution.  We provide a stress-free, efficient and professional service.  Please contact us for further information if you feel that you may wish to benefit from this approach.